Strategy & Investment
Setting the right strategic direction and priorities involves making the right choices about where, when and how to invest your resources. We provide the analytical and other support you need to make better decisions about where to put your focus and resources over time.
All-of-Government provider: MartinJenkins is a registered provider of consultancy services in the All-of-Government (AoG) procurement scheme for Business and Finance services – as of December 2016.
Strategic/business planning & strategy development
thWe can help design and facilitate your strategic and business planning processes, and work with you to craft a clear and compelling set of plans.
Strategic analysis & support for decision-making
thEffective strategic thinking and planning requires good information and analysis, and sometimes also specific tools. Our services include: environmental scanning; developing frameworks for setting priorities; analysing and interpreting performance information; and leading scenario-planning projects.
Business cases – analysis & development
thEffective business cases are becoming more and more important as a means of justifying investment decisions and securing resources. We are expert at understanding your needs and working with you to develop a clear and compelling case for investment. We are experienced in applying the Better Business Cases process within government settings.
Developing & advising on Statements of Intent
thWe are experienced in developing Statements of Intent for a wide range of clients in the public sector, including departments, Crown entities and Crown research institutes. We understand what is required to create a good accountability document.
Designing strategic/business planning systems & processes
thWe can help you design and implement systems and processes for strategic and business planning, to ensure that in the course of the annual cycle the right conversations are held at the right time, in the right sequence, and with the right information.
Cost-benefit analysis
thSometimes the right decision is not obvious and the problem requires more systematic analysis so that the options can be understood and compared. We have experts who can support your decision-making with high-quality financial and economic analysis and modelling.
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